operacion mama

International Workshop on Endoscopic Nipple Sparing Mastectomy

Hospital Universitario de Torrejón

Tuesday September 17, 2024. 08:00 am – 17:30 pm


Since preservation of the NAC is considered key for promoting psychological well-being and cosmetic satisfaction, Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy has been increasingly performed in patients with prophylactic and therapeutic indications, who have been deemed ineligible for conservative breast surgery. Multiple meta-analyses over the last decade have suggested an oncological safety non-inferiority of conventional NSM to Skin-Sparing Mastectomy and Modified Radical Mastectomy.

Minimally invasive nipple sparing mastectomy techniques have been developed to address incision-related complications, cosmetic satisfaction, and neurological concerns, in part by relocating the surgical incision from the peri-areolar region, inframammary fold, or surface of the breast to the axillary and lateral chest areas. In particular, endoscopic nipple-sparing mastectomy has been demonstrated feasible, as the better optics of endoscopic instruments have enabled precise mammary gland resection through small, off-the-breast, axillary incisions, while leaving no visible scarring on the surface of the breast.

Who the conference is aimed at?

  • Breast Oncoplastic Surgeon

Attendance form

Face-to-face workshop


Cost: 300€. The deposit must be made to the account number: ES05 0049 4477 5422 9000 1507, indicating the full name and the name of the course.

    You must attach proof of registration payment → (Tamaño máximo de archivo: 5MB)

    Asimismo, si así lo desea, trataremos sus datos para informarle sobre hábitos de vida saludable y otras campañas de promoción de la salud a través de los canales de comunicación del Grupo Ribera.

    Detalles del evento